Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse

Every day exposure to pollution, the use of chemicals and improper diet makes your hair lifeless. It increases hair loss, weaken the roots and lower the volume of your hair. All this may be reversible, but prevention is always better than treatment. Maintaining your hair free from dirt and grime is the first step toward maintaining mental and luster. To change the impact of a bad hair day, give the key to a good length of your apple cider vinegar hair rinse. Apple cider vinegar, made ​​from apple cider or have used more than just a flavoring agent. This is the best solution to cure all the problems related to dandruff and maintain a pH level of your hair. Let's see what are the benefits of apple cider vinegar hair rinse and how to use it as an effective drug to keep your hair healthy.

Basic Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse

If you cannot get your hands on apple cider vinegar, then white vinegar is a perfect substitute. For a basic vinegar hair wash, mix one cup of distilled water with 1/3 cup of vinegar. Shampoo your hair and rinse it well. Make sure there is no residual shampoo in your hair. Instead of using a conditioner, use the vinegar mix. To prevent the watery mix from flowing away, pour it on your hair and wear a shower cap. Leave it on for about five minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water. Once again, rinse your hair with cold water, so that the shaft on the outermost layer of your hair is sealed. The smell of vinegar will go away as your hair begins to dry. As water evaporates your hair will feel lighter, and a lot more shinier. Depending on your hair type you can add essential oils or herbs to the vinegar mix while washing your hair.

Herbs and essential oils for hair enhance your hair's color and texture. They also have a certain soothing effect on your senses, calming your mind and body.

  • Apple cider vinegar, 2 tablespoons
  • Herb of your choice, one teaspoon
  • Boiling water, 2 cups
  • Bring water to boil in a saucepan.
  • Add the herbs to the boiling water and let it sit for 15 - 20 minutes so that the water absorbs the herb essence. Turn off the heat and let the mixture sit for another 30 minutes. If you want the infusion to be stronger, increase the amount of herb.
  • As the mixture comes down to room temperature, empty it in a bottle. If some of it is left after your hair wash, it can be refrigerated.
  • For best results, massage your scalp and the roots of your hair with this concoction.
List of Herbs and Essential Oils

If you are confused about which essential oil or herb would suit your hair type, here's a list of that will help you out.
  • Jojoba: Jojoba oil can be used for any hair type. This oil heals extreme hair damage and prevents your hair from further breakage.
  • Olive Oil: Olive oil is best known to treat coarse hair and split ends. This oil works wonders on hair that has been subjected to several heat treatments.
  • Chamomile :The soothing effect of Chamomile on the scalp retracts skin cells. This prevents damage that can be caused by chemical processes, flakiness and psoriasis.
  • Tea Tree: Best known to cure dandruff, tea tree also prevents eruptions and allergies of the scalp. Yucca: Yucca oil is known to prevent hair loss and cure problems related to dandruff.
  • Thyme: Uses of thyme oil for hair can be traced back to ancient Egyptians, who used it to enhance the shine and bounce of long hair. Massaging your scalp with this oil improves blood circulation and prevents hair loss.
  • Sage: Sage essential oil promotes hair growth and strengthens the roots of your hair. It is also known to prevent premature balding.
  • Rosemary: Benefits of Rosemary essential oil are many. It is an excellent oil for most hair problems. When mixed with apple cider vinegar it restores the lost luster and rejuvenates the roots, bringing them back to life.
Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse Benefits

Many worry whether the acidic nature of the vinegar will ruin the texture of the hair. Contrary to this belief, the same property cleanses the scalps and enlivens roots and color of the hair, making them look healthy. It neutralizes the pH levels of the your hair follicles and adds a sheen to the cuticles. It adds a silkiness and softness to the flow of your hair and removes all the tangles and knots. Adding herbs and oils to the apple cider vinegar rinse, will not only make your hair smell luxuriant, but also adds to its vitality.

So these were the benefits of apply cider vinegar for hair. Your hair reflects your lifestyle and the way you treat them. Thus, to have healthy hair, make your way of living a healthy one.


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