Facial Hair Removal In The Comfort Of Your Home

Why pay professionals to remove facial hair removal when it can be done in the comfort of your own home?

There are always advantages in having somebody, preferably an expert, take care of your facial hair for you. But having said that, for many, many women, taking care of their facial hair in the privacy of their home is a much better proposition. Besides many times the hair you need to eliminate does not require a heavy investment (or at least it should not).

This article discusses the most popular methods for hair removal at home. These techniques can be used anywhere in the body including the face. Just remember that for the removal of facial hair you may need to test the method in a small body area to be sure of no adverse reactions. Facial skin tends to be more delicate, and can have hypersensitive reactions.

Here are the most common methods of home hair removal:

Shaving: It is cheap and fast, so it is not surprising that shaving is so popular. Do not worry about the hair growing back thicker and darker: this is just an urban myth. Razors for women are sold at an angle to conform to the feminine curves, allowing you to cut your hair more closely. Try shaving at night when the fluids have been drained from the skin throughout the day. (It sounds horrible, but you know what is meant). If you prefer to do this in the morning, wait for at least an hour after getting up. The point is that your skin will not be puffed up, hiding part of the hair.

Tweezing: Tweezing (or plucking) takes more time and patience but lasts longer than shaving. Because hair is removed from the root, the hair takes longer to grow back. For small areas, tweezers are much better and more practical shaving because the tip of the hair grows back softer with each pluck. Clean the tips of tweezers with alcohol after each use to prevent infection. The best time to use your tweezers is after a shower when the pores are opened by the steam, making them easier to pluck.

Depilatory Creams: it is absolutely necessary to test for chemicals that you are to apply on your face. But if your skin can tolerate products like Nair or Veet, hair removal can be a good treatment at home. Similar to tweezers it is best done after a warm shower or bath when pores are steamed open and the hair can come off much easier, with less resistance.

It is a question of applying the cream and wait for the hair to dissolve and then wipe it off. Also please follow manufacturers instructions and be careful with the amount of time you leave the cream on. Remember it is a chemical reaction that you are using and if left on for too long you can get nasty surprises. Set a timer!

These are the most popular facial hair removal methods to be used at home.

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